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27 January 1947 ב"ה


My dear Zwi עמ"ש!

Thanks for your long letter of January 2nd.  To come straight to the point, because this I’m afraid is going to be rather short, I let Uncle Beri see your letter and he said the following: From the jewellery, apart from Grandfathers that we had about 500 pounds all in all, we each get a 100 pounds.  Tully has had his and spent it.  I have spent mine (nearly all of it) when I was going to college.  Sara and Esti each got a piece of jewellry.  You have had most of yours I think (please if you remember exactly how much let me know then I can tell Uncle Berl and you will get the rest to make up a 100 pounds). 

Now as regards to what was left from Grandfathers Beri had the following to say.  (But before I say this, I want to emphasise that we definitely agree with your plan if you can save time that way, it would be silly to waste an other year and I am glad Uncle Pinju can lay it out for you in the meantime, so what ever you do, don’t change your mind about that.)  He cant give me any numbers of how much there is.  It all depends whether Aunti Gitel, Frima, etc. will have their share.  Also he said, diamonds have gone down and he does not really know what price he can get now. 

The family here (Guggi, Srulek) are also entiteld to some of it, though I think they would want it, or at any rate should not get it.  However, he told me before he can give me a definite answer he would very much like to write to Aunti Gitel about it.  He was surprised to hear that she had moved and not written to him and he asked me to ask you to let him have her address as soon as possible so he can write to her.  If you like here is Uncle Berl’s address and you could write straigt to him for a change, I think he would appreciate it in Hebrew.

168 Wymering Mansions

London W9 England

I am sorry this is not more satisfactory at the moment, but I’m sure you’ll get it all right in the end.  Will refer to the other parts in your letter soon.  Hope you understand it all right.  Congratulations for your examinations, you’re o.k.

Lots of love



Congratulations of passing your exames.  Will write soon.  All the best.



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