Saturday evening, 6 May 1939 ב"ה
My beloved ones עמ"ש!
I don’t understand, dear Sarale תחי', why you have not written to me for such a long time. I really beg you, my dear, that you should play my role towards Feigale תחי', as long as she stays with you, and guide her whenever necessary.
You, dear Gitale תחי', I thank cordially for your dear addition to the letter. You are very kind in your judgment, but it gives pleasure to hear such a thing. According to what I hear, Mr. Shochet has written to you. It is very embarrassing for me, but I can do nothing about it. Naftali נ"י wrote to us a long time ago that we should write to him. I answered him: I cannot demand it of him. He is a stranger. Because he is so kind and good towards Esterl, should I impose on him even more? Then Naftali נ"י wrote that he had seen a fellow with a letter from Mr. Shochet, where he writes that he will make a request for us. After that we wrote. Now I urge you to answer him and explain to him why you can do nothing for us, because he is a very nice person. He wrote to us particularly that he would answer our letter only after receiving an answer from you. May השי"ת help us.
Dear Feigale, thank you for your short message. We have no news since you left. Lisa Pappenheim is already earning 3 pounds per month. I have heard that all adult young women have earning opportunities there. Please, my dear child, get used to this idea, it must unfortunately be so. I hope that people will help you in this issue. Papa שליט"א is not writing because I am writing at the post office. I kiss you as well as Aunt, and also Gusti תח'.
Your Mama
To Miss Judith 10,000 kisses.
Sarah, wife of R Dovid’s brother Herschel Weinstock.
Guggy Grahame.
Hashem Yisborach – G-d, may He be blessed.
A good school friend of Sara. A cousin of Helene Pappenheim (mentioned in the letter of 11 May 1939) and of Luzi Pappenheim (mentioned in the postcard of 4 July 1939). The three were cousins of each other.
Sarah, wife of R Dovid’s brother Herschel Weinstock.
Guggy Grahame.
Judy, daughter of Guggy Grahame. This is written in the top left corner.
The Original Text
390824 Wien am 24 VIII 1939 BH
Mein geliebtes Kinderleb AMUSH
Danke dir sehr fuer Dein Schreiben. Ich habe zu Tuli NY geschrieben die Adresse wo O. Berl NY fuer das Scheittel schicken soll. Auch nach Neu Sandek habe geschrieben sie sollen es fuer mich bestellen . Ich bin froh dass ich es haben werde. Die weisse “Triumpf” * habe ich 20 Str. in Seides Umzugsgut dazu gepackt auch einige Liana *u Baldora.* Besser wie nichts.
Auf das Zertifikat warte wir noch. Was O. PiniuNY dem Schmilo geschikt hat ist nicht seines nur von Seide NY veranlast. Tante Frima hat geschrieben dass er auf der Durchreise in Wien sein wird. Er wird warscheinlich den Seide NY hier nicht mehr antreffen weil die schon IYHSHEM Montag fahren.Es ist sehr interessant dass Du Gusti Schlesinger getroffen hast. Aus was fuer eine Wolle strickst Du die Weste? Ich habe schon kaum 1 Aermel fertig zum Pulover. Naechste Woche werden IYHASHEM den zweiten beginnen. Ich moechte ihm am liebsten im Schiff fertig machen.
Wir moechten sehr gern noch vor א"ט fahren. Ich bin mit allem vorbereitet HY soll helfen wir sollen schon das Zertifikat bekommen.
Kuesse Dich mein suesses Kind D. Mama.
Auch ich gruesse Dich bestens meine liebe Sorele und wuensche dir KVCH T Dein Vater
OK 29.5.13.