26 May 1939
Friday, Shabbos eve, Naso [1939].
My dear beloved Feigale ש"עמ תחי'
We thank you very much for your letter. Naftoli נ"י has surely also discussed with you that he wants to go and do some work and earn 2 pounds a month, so that they will give him a beer there and his mother should pay us here 100 Marks. It is very nice of him and it would obviously be very helpful for us now, but we must not accept this sacrifice from him. He should and must learn. I hope that he gets into a good yeshiva and learns diligently there, as then he will, with G-d’s help, become a fine person. If he takes on a job already now, [I am concerned that] he will even forget to pray. What have you said to him about this? You certainly know our opinion. I would just like to know if he wants to learn. I know that he showed great ambition in Nitra and was the best in the class. Obviously he must have wanted it. We have to try it now as well.
How are you, my dear Fogerl? How did you spend your Yom tov? Here there was no fish available, nor vegetables, in a word, nothing. We received 8 packages from Nitra for Yom tov, it was enough. Has dear Gusti recovered well? How is the baby?
I kiss you as well as dear Aunt, dear Gusti and my sweet namesake. The men greet you warmly.
Your Mama.
Shochet has already been replied to. He has also already replied to us.
I also send you my best greetings, my dear daughter תחי' עמ"ש. In the previous postcard I asked you about my 2 parcels, whether they are in safe keeping and whether you have opened them. Why have you not answered me at all? Please, answer me exactly, because I am concerned about them.
Your father who wishes you well, who hopes to receive and to give good news.
Dawid. Greetings to all of you.
Dearest Feigeעמ"ש
Over here everything is as it was. I still do not have any notification.
Our duvetine jackets turned out well. I am now knitting with the blue wool that is mixed with Angora. Helene also has a cardigan from the same material. I am making it exactly like the one you have in brown frotier wool.
Kisses to you and best regards to all Sara
We received a sweet little picture from Esterl ת'
The employer’s mother, who was in Vienna.
Festival [of Passover].
Judy, daughter of Gusti (Guggy) Grahame.
Same as 3.
Slovenian word for tufted textile woollen surface