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Thursday קרח, [15 June 1939] ב"ה

My sweet good Fogerl עמ"ש

Although I have already written you a card this week, I want to inform you that the requirement to give notice to evacuate has thank G-d been withdrawn through the intervention of the Religious Community. Those were 25 hours that will never be forgotten, although we were not in total despair because Mrs. Goldflies ת' had promised us shelter in case of emergency. But thousands of people were in despair. Große Sperlgasse was not included.

Steinfeld is in London, and he can be found in the Aguda. Maybe someone, dear Aunt תחי' or Israel נ"י, would like to speak with him about Zwi נ"י, because he promised me to put the child up somewhere in a Yeshiva. Only he needs to be reminded. My parents שליט"א have gone to Poland. They have a passport.  Mirtche ת' must leave also. I don’t know what is going to happen with the child, [as] he is stateless. Mr. Steinfeld knows his details, as do you. Please, please, dear child, go to the Maranowitz family and tell them that Sara תחי' is leaving please G-d on the 20th of this month on the same train as you. I am not writing to them because I assume that they can only read English, so please greet them in our name and discuss the arrangements for picking her up.  Tuli נ"י will probably not have time for that. Please write to me who will pick her up.

I kiss you,

Your Mama.


I greet you, dear sister-in-law, and I thank you most warmly for your dear writing. Please write to me some more. I kiss you as well as Gitale תחי' and also the sweet dear child.  Greeting to all the dear ones,



        A friend from Vienna.  See also letters of 6 August 1939 (both), 18 February 1940 and 12 January 1941.

        The street where R Gershon Weinstock lived.

        The Agudas Israel communal organisation.

       It is clear from the letter of 23 November 1939 that they were then in Nitra.  Either they went to Poland and went back or, which seems more likely, Chaye had been told they were going but in the end they did not go.

       Chaye’s younger sister Miriam Teitelbaum.

       It is clear from the letter of 18 February 1940 and the postcard of 8 March 1940 that she and her husband were in Nitra in November 1939.

        See footnote to postcard of 30 April 1939.

       She was picked up by the son of the Maranowitzes.

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R' Dovid & Chaye Ides

R' Dovid & Chaye Ides




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