Vienna 1 July [19]39 ב"ה
My dear, good Fogerl ת',
We received your dear card today. By chance I had written all four cards at the same time last Sunday. We already received from Tuli נ"י on Wednesday, and from Suri ת' on Thursday, a one-side long letter. From you and dear Esterl ת' [they arrived] only today. Suri ת' likes it ב"ה very much with the people [with whom she is staying]. Esterl ת' also writes that she is ב"ה getting on excellently. I hope the same [holds] for you.
It is not boring for us here. Entertainment is provided by way of running around and persecution. It looks as though we will not be able to remain here much longer.
Getting the [travel] certificate is still taking a long time, and despite the promises it is not certain, and here they now make very short work of people like us. May the Almighty have pity on us. Everyone is deaf to us wherever we turn. Mrs. Mansohn will hopefully be released on the basis of the telegram from the Home Office.
I no longer write to anybody because the answer makes us even more bitter. But don’t you, my sweet child, worry about us. We rely on G-d and He will rescue us. Please write me everything in detail so that I will be able to form the right picture. Just about the way of life, all the impressions that you have of London and so on.
I kiss you, my beloved child. Regards to all the loved ones, kisses for the dear Aunt, for Gusti, and the sweet child,
I too greet you my dear child, send regards to all,
Your Father
Daughter-in-law of R Dovid Mansohn of Brody and sister-in-law of Herschel and Surele (née Mansohn) Weinstock.
Surele Weinstock (née Mansohn).
Gusti’s daughter Judy Grahame (later Judy Preger).
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R' Dovid & Chaye Ides
