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Vienna 4 July 1939                                          ב"ה


My beloved Surale ת' 

We already received your dear letter today.  Many thanks for it. I am happy that you are in such good company. Tuli could ask Aunt Surale ת' to clean his jacket for him. Why did you not write whether the shoes fit Feigi ת'? Have you already seen Lisa?  Luzi Papenheim is working in a corset salon for orthopaedic corsets. Please inquire, maybe that could be something for you too? Lisa would certainly know.

I must unfortunately inform you that we will be evicted on the 25th July. I have written a letter to Uncle Berl and Aunt Hinda has written to Uncle Herschel that they must absolutely do something for us, because if the certificate does not come by that time we will ח"ו be taken away. I didn’t want you to know about this so that you should not be upset (and you should not be) but maybe you [plural] might also be able to help in some way, so I have to write to you [singular]. In these circumstances perhaps the matter can be speeded up. I sent a telegram to Auntie in Tel Aviv, but we can absolutely not rely on that. Don’t worry, but do whatever is possible.

Regards to your dear people, also to Miss Sali and Rosel.       I kiss you,

Your Mama


I also send you regards my dear child and send regards to the honoured Maranowicz family  שליט"א.

             Your Father

Is it perhaps possible to renew the application that Tuli submitted at the time to the old age home?


        Pappenheim.  A cousin of Helene Pappenheim and of Luzi Pappenheim (see note to postcard of 6 May 1939).

        Sali Scherl, later Abramsky.

        Rosel Stein.

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R' Dovid & Chaye Ides

R' Dovid & Chaye Ides




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