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Vienna 13 July 1939                ב"ה

My sweet Feigale ת',

I can well understand your surprise that I suddenly preferred to go to London. It is because I understood that, if one really wants, one can get to London without all the trouble that one would need to go to, to get into Palestine.  But now, since I received a telegram from Uncle Piniu נ"י saying that the matter has been settled, we feel very fortunate. We were very happy about this.  Since I read the letters from Uncle Berl נ"י and Srul נ"י, we are already waiting most impatiently for the certificate to arrive here. In fact, we ourselves confused Uncle Piniu נ"י.  Aunt Hinde ת' even cabled on Sunday that we should work on nothing except London, and I offered him a purchaser in case the deal had already been sealed.  That’s how certain we were about London.  Aunt Hinde ת' in fact maintained that her letter was a “bomb” and that they will most certainly do everything possible there.  Did any one of you write to Uncle that he should send the certificate to us?

The nightly arrests have ב"ה stopped as of this week, but release only occurs on presentation of a visa.  One can also receive extensions by producing proof of a journey, but only for a brief period of time. It’s already high time that we got away from here. We’ve already lost all our strength.

I can’t get to Zeide נ"י anymore because of Aunt Hinde.  She herself doesn’t know what she wants from me since she heard about the certificate.

Regards to all from

Your Mama

Papa נ"י sends regards


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R' Dovid & Chaye Ides

R' Dovid & Chaye Ides




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