Vienna 18 August 1939 ב"ה
My beloved Surale תחי'!
Many thanks for your dear letter. We are still waiting with great impatience for the certificate. That is, we are now actually waiting for 2 because the Aguda has also allotted one for us with the consul. We should receive the confirmation any day and since Monday we are waiting for every postal delivery, in vain. Should we receive it I would like to send a telegram to Uncle Piniu that he should see to it that the certificate from there is not sent, so that there should be no cost.
That would be fine, but as long I have nothing in my hands I believe nothing. The holidays are approaching and we are waiting.
I have sold the wool only piece by piece so cannot know how much I have received. Please tell dear Feige תחי' that if I sometimes write to you a bit more, it is only because I know that your post will not be read by anyone. Since she is the older one I should really write more to her.
Is something already happening with Srul’s job? How much is he earning from the school? What is happening with Schmilek? When is he coming? I have bought a complete set of new parts for the pressure cooker and it is like new again.
Greetings and kisses from
Your Mama
L. made a suicide attempt. She was taken to hospital.
Kurt Nettel is in the USA, the old ones are still here. The Bettlers are all still living with us.
ב"ה I too send best regards to you ת' בתי היקרה .
Your father
Shmuel Schreiber, son of R’ Dovid’s sister Frima.
The son of the Weinstocks’ neighbours.
A family that lived in the same building.
My dear daughter.
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R' Dovid & Chaye Ides
