Vienna 2 October 1939 ב"ה
My precious, beloved children שי'!
My heartiest thanks to you my good Feigile ת' for your dear regards. Why do you write so briefly and mention nothing at all about the other dear children שי'? When you finally write after such a long time you could report everything in detail. Have you had post from Esti ת'? Is Leo נ"י at home? Why didn’t Srul נ"י write? Please send post to me first thing. About us, it is better if I say nothing.
Grosspapa נ"י and Aunt ת' are still here. I go there daily. Please all of you write together.
Aunt Achle comes to us less and less often. We don’t have the certificate yet. Our hopes of receiving it are only dwindling. Once we have it there are still really big difficulties. The Almighty should help us all and grant that we shall yet see each other, together with our precious children, may they live.
I kiss you all most warmly. I wish you גמר טוב ,
Your Mother
Papa נ"י greets and kisses you and everyone.
We receive post and parcels from Nitra.
Many heartfelt regards to all the family. I wish everyone all the best.
Many heartfelt regards and many thanks to the dear Kreijsberg family.
Chaje Weinstock
The implied question appears to be whether he has gone to the army.
Feige later said that, although the phrase was not one ever used and there was no person called Tante Achle, she understood it to mean food (Ochel in Hebrew) and her mother would have known that she would.
Gmar tov - a good end [to the judgment of the High Holy Days].
He had been arrested on 10th September and sent to Buchenwald but Chaye did not want to let the children know this.
Josef and Lotti Kreijsberg were good friends of Chaye’s niece Guggy/Gusti Grahame. They had been her neighbours in Vienna and had gone to Holland. This letter and others were sent through them. Each of them added some lines to the letter for Guggy/Gusti in London (not translated here) before sending it on.
The Original Text
Wien am 2.V [confusion whether month is V or X, Bubi thinks V] 1939 B.H.
Meine teuere geliebte Kinder (ad mea ve’esrim)
Ich danke Dir herzlichtst mein gutes Feigile fuer Deine l.Gruesse. Warum schreibst Du so kurz und erwaehnst gar nichts von den anderen lieben Kindern ?? Wenn Du schon nach so langer Zeit schreibst koenntest Du ausfuehrlich alles mitteilen. Hast Du Post von Esti?? Ist Leo zu Hause? Warum hat Srul nicht geschrieben ? Lass bitte naechstest die Post zu mir kommen. Von uns ist besser wenn ich schweige. .Grosspapa und Tante sind noch hier. Ich komme taeglich hin. Schreibt bitte alle zusammen Tante Achle wird immer bei uns seltener. Das Zertificat haben wir noch nicht. Es sind uns mehr- schwache Hoffnungen es zu haben.Wenn man es schon hat sind erst recht grosse Schwierigkeiten. Der Allm[aechtige] soll uns allen helfen wir sollen uns noch sehen mit unser teuer Kinder sollen leben.
Kuesse Euch alle herzlichst, wuensche ( ? ? )
Euere Mutter
Papa(N??.Y) gruesst und kuesst Euch und Jeden
Wir bekommen von Nitra Post auch Pakerl
Viele herzliche Gruesse an alle Verwanten. Wuensche jeden alles Beste.
Chaje Weinstock
Code for food scarcity?
Parcel of food,