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16 November 1939             ב"ה 


My much beloved daughter עמ"ש!

Your few lines have shaken me greatly, that you have so quickly learned of this enormous misfortune. Sadly, I have as yet no words of consolation. This awful blow has shattered me completely.  My pain is unspeakably great, all the more so since he had nebich so dreaded it, and had asked everyone to save him from the רשעים . But it was to no avail. In their hands, sadly, he had to breathe out his sacred נשמה .  If Aunt Hinde hadn’t been here with me I certainly wouldn’t have survived this. She has lately watched over me like a mother, until I was able to pull myself together enough to drag on with my sorrowful life. I realise that I have to continue living for you, my beloved children, because you are my everything, and I have obligations to you. May the Almighty grant me that you become upright, honest and pious human beings. May we be able to continue conducting our future lives in the spirit of your unforgettable, precious father ז"ל. You know very well how he paid great attention to every small detail. He feared even the slightest sin. It was always his wish that you, too, his children, should be likewise. I beg you, in this hour of our deepest sorrow, to always keep this in mind!

You write that the [other] children שיחי' do not yet know. But Tuli נ"י has to say Kaddish.

I hope go to א"י next week – illegally. You can write to me to my niece’s, c/o Moses Rapaport, Rehov Raschi 59. Only השי"ת knows where I’ll be wandering about over there by myself. I am not worried about it. I see that I can endure a lot. I would never have thought it possible that I have so much strength. The Almighty should at least grant me to see you, my precious children, soon. The thing to do now is to trust in השי"ת6. What has happened can sadly no longer be changed. Life goes on and we have to resign ourselves to it with heavy hearts. Unfortunately, 170 such cases have occurred and we here were also expecting it.  Ach!  It should already be enough in the eyes of השי"ת6.

I kiss you my precious, beloved children שיחי'. Give best regards to all.    

Your Mama

I just received a communication from Aunt Hinde ת' from Trieste. She is embarking today. I will write איה"ש while en route.


I also greet you heartily and wish you that you will hear only good news from now on.




        This refers to the death of R’ Dovid Weinstock. Feige told her son Philip many years later that she had not in fact yet known of this and her mother misunderstood what she had written about her father’s deportation.  This letter was in reality the first she heard of his death.

        A Yiddish word expressing pity and sympathy.

        Resho’im – wicked people.

        Neshomoh – soul.

        Eretz Yisroel – the Land of Israel.

        Hashem Yisborach – G-d, may He be blessed.

        See note to letter of 3 November 1939.

The Original Text

                                                                                                                                              39116                                                                           Liebe Teuere Eltern            


Ich habe gehoert dass Fanny Post gehabt hat.  Mir geht es sehr sehr gut.Ihr sollt  euch nicht sorgen .Wie geht es  euch? Ich hoffe dass ihr bald nach Palestina fahrt .Der l. G”tt  muss uns alle eine grosse hilfe schicken .For 7 Wochen habe keine Post von Euch gehabt. Ihr sollt euch nicht sorgen wenn ihr keine Post habt.

Viele Gruesse und Kuesse  Esther Weinstock


Libe Frau Schapira  עמו"ש       Ich danke Ihnen sehr fuer die Briefe die sie uns  weggeschickt haben.   Viele Gruesse  und Kuesse, Esteher Weinstock


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Chaye Ides

Chaye Ides


Marjem Schapira

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