7 July 1940 Sunday, 1 Tamuz ב"ה
My Dear Ones עמ"ש!
Unfortunately, I have not had any post from my dear children שיחי' for several weeks already and do not know where or how they are. You can imagine my עג"נ . Do you know where my dear family are now? Do you receive post? No post at all comes over here from there. People say various things here, I must be made of pure iron if I can withstand so much. I beg of you if you hear anything write to me in order to revive my soul. Is it possible that Piniu נ"י could look into getting an immigrant certificate for us? Many have already arrived. People say that there are many certificates in Belgrade. Perhaps you have some connections so that I can get one of them.
Sincere regards
Separate regards to Shmuel נ"י.
Perhaps you see my niece. Please give her regards.
How is your father שליט"א feeling?
Chaje Weinstock Kladovo Jugoslawia.
Regards from
Agmas nefesh – suffering.
Beile Rapaport, daughter of Chaye’s eldest brother R Yechiel Zvi Ber of Hussakow.
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Chaye Ides