24 January 1942
Lieber Herschi נ"י
I just got your dear letter and I am glad that you are getting on well. I am working in a Diamond Polishing Workshop for the last five months and learnd quite a good deal all ready. I work five days a wek 9 hours per day. I get 35s per wek and I will get more soon. Sara got married a few weks ago to a Polish fellow he is an artist he makes pictures from wood. Sara will probably write you all about it. We three live here in Potters Bar 15 miles from London. Fay has gone back to Letchworth after Sara got married. I got a room of my own were I sleep and I am having my meals at Saras House any night. The Place I am working is in the City of London. I get there by Train every morning. I earn enough money to pay my room and to pay for my meals and to get my clothes. I got all I need. I will send you a photo אי"ה as soon as I have a new one made, and I would like you to send me one as well. I cut my פאות shorter, but its all right as long as you got them כשיעור . We havent heard from our dear mother, but it is no wonder as there is no post going from Jugoslavia. Your English is very good.
I close with many regards,
35 shillings (£1.75p).
Payos – sidelocks.
Keshiur – an appropriate amount.