3rd September 1943 ב"ה
My dear Zwi עמ"ש!
By now you will have got the 4 paged airgraph I send off to you some weeks ago. Will you please let me know what you did about letting the aunties know about it, e.c.t. I hope they did not take it too badly.
I suppose you received the 2 pounds I send off to you from Tully as a present.
I am here in London at Sara’s place. I am having a weeks holiday and I am spending it here. Little Ruthy is really lovely. I wish you could see her, you would be proud of your little niece. I hope you get the letters Sara, Naftali and Ester write to you.
How do you like it in Kvutzat Yavne? Please tell me all about your work.
Since as I hope this letter will reach you shortly before ראש השנה I take this opportunity to wish you a hearty גמר חתימה טובה and all the best for the future. May השי"ת help, this war should be over, and we should all be together with our dear mother עמ"ש, in happiness. Give my love and best wishes to the aunties and uncle. Write soon.
Yours with love,
Dear Zwi עמ"ש!
I resived your letter, thank you very much. Will write to you next week. Wishing you all the best, and the same from Chaim נ"י and Ruthy ת'. Give our regards to the relations.
Rosh Hashonoh, which began that year on September 30.
Gemar chasimoh tovoh – may you be sealed for a good year.
Hashem Yisborach – G-d, may He be blessed.