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My Dear Brother Zwi, עמ"ש

It is indeed a long time since I have last written to you.  I hope that you are well and pulling on with your studies.  At the end of this school year, that is in July, I shall be taking my School Certificate or English matriculation, so I am studying as hard as I can now.  My subjects are: history, geography, biology, French, English language and literature, general mathematics and art.  Could you in your next letter please tell me details about your studies.  What are your other subjects besides agriculture?  Have you any?


You will notice that I am living with Fay now.  I have left Guggi for reasons which I cannot convey to you on paper.  I shall have to leave that for when I see you.  I am going to stay with Sara over this weekend.  The Schreibers are all very well.  I hope that they write regularly.  Chaim is now studying architecture, he also works.  Ruth is ב"ה a lovely girl. She talks quite a lot now and she understands everything.


I hope that you have had a nice יום טוב .  Please give my best regards to all the family.  I hope to hear from you soon. 

All my Love,



Dear Zwi עמ"ש!

I have not written to you all this time because I am waiting to get the long letter from you which you promised to send me in your short aerograph I got sometime ago.  Did you receive the letter where I enclosed some photos?  I suppose you will have started with your studies by now.  Please let us know everything in detail.  All is ב"ה well here.  Hoping to hear from you very soon and sending you all my love,



Tully is coming here on Sunday.  I hope he has written to you.  He has been in Scotland some weeks and returned recently.



Yom Tov – festival.  This letter was written about 2 weeks after the conclusion of the Sukkos festival.

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Fay & Este

Fay & Este


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