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September 3rd 1945 ב"ה


Dearest Zwi, עמ"ש!

Thanks a lot for your nice long letter which reached me to-day.  The mail these days really does not leave much to be desired.

I was glad to hear you found a nice room to live in.  I hope you’ll be happy there.  Well now that you have definitely decided what subjects to go in for, the coming year of study ought to be easier for you, not having to take agriculture in again.  Or is that not so?  As for the money you want, please let me know in your next letter how much, so I can tell Uncle Berl to give it to me, in order that you may have it in good time.

I was thrilled to hear you found our photos.  I had been wondering what had become of them.  I’d love to see them.

I was glad you told us what sort of things they were that were stored away at auntie’s place.  I had no idea really.

What do you mean when you say the dishes are having to lay there without being used?  Are the other things being used then?  Anyway, I hope our dear mother will be able to use everything herself soon.

We are watching the lists that are being published here, and keep on hoping for the best.  G-d will help.

I was glad to hear you liked the picture-postcards I sent you from Bournemouth.  It really is very nice there and I had a lovely time.  I stayed a week and that being our annual holiday was paid by my firm as if I had been working, which is about 3 pounds after taxes etc. have been deducted.  Not enough for a weeks holiday, in fact the fare is almost that much alone, but its worth saving up for it.

Anyhow I was lucky I came back last week from an other week holiday which I managed to get, without pay, mind you, but it did not matter, because I earned almost as much as I needed while on holiday.  You see, I went to a Bachad harvesting camp which are set up in a number of places all over England and Wales in co-operation with the British war-agricultural committee for people (in that case Jewish people) who would like a holiday on the land and at the same time be patriotic and help in with the harvest, at different forms, there being a shortage of labour, thereby also earning some money.

For the first time in my life I actually worked on the land.  I must say, some of it really is hard work.  On the whole I enjoyed it very much.  We were a jolly crowd.  Boys and girls from all over the country.  Some people from the regular Bachad Kibbutzim here were in charge, and for the week-end we had quite a number of visitors from the Kibbutzim.

For רוש השנה I’m going to London to Sara’s place.  We’ll all be there together ב"ה.  I have not seen them for some time, so I am looking forward to the coming week-end.  Of course I’ll take your letter with me, and tell them again to write.

Please send your next letter to Saras address.  I’m having to move out here soon, and don’t know where to yet.  It is rather difficult.

I’d like to move to London soon, as soon as I get my release, that should not be very long, but it is very difficult to find lodging there at the moment.  Jobs are not so scarce.

I do hope you can read all that, the paper really is awful (my writing too).  Well, I have to sign off now, more next time.  Wishing you all the very best, and a happy new year.  May all your wishes come true, and may you always be succesful.

Your loving sister,


Best wishes and שנה טובה to all friends and relations.  Write soon, dear!!!


       Rosh hashonoh, which fell that year on Saturday-Sunday, September 8-9.

       Shonoh tovoh – a good year.

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