February 14th 1946 ב"ה
My dear Zwi,
Weeks have gone by again since we last heard from you. I expect studing is keeping you pretty busy.
מזל טוב . Sara had a baby girl two weeks ago. Everything is ב"ה fine. The name of the baby is Judith. Very nice, I think. She came home from the nursing home yesterday and I hope to see her again tomorrow. If she has not written to you already I know she will very soon.
As Tully mentioned to you in the last letter, Chaim, in partnership with Srulek and one other man (English) are opening a toy manufacturing concern. Things are going ahead speedily and they are hoping to start production on quite a large scale shortly, mainly for export, this being the main concern of this country at the moment. They have been able to acquire very suitable premises, a thing which is very difficult in London right now. So the whole thing looks very promising ב"ה. You will hear more about it, no doubt.
I hope you gave Auntie Chane Hinde my best wishes. Is her home far from where you live?
I met Tully some time ago, and we had opportunity for one of our occasional heart to heart talks. Though he is still in the diamond-cutting trade and getting on well with it, he still does not seem to be satisfied. There is something restless and adventure-seeking about him that is hard to explain. He is far from steady and always seems to have preference for changing his jobs and surroundings, rather than staying in one place and working himself up. That has me worried sometimes, and I blame circumstances for it. But on the whole he has a happy disposition and is full of confidence and expectation about his future. Now that the war is over, his latest idea is of course to leave this country, for Palestine if possible (not at all a bad idea in my opinion). I’m sure he’ll try everything in his power.
Here’s hoping to hear from you very soon.
Lots of love,
Remember us to Uncle Pinju and Aunt Gittel.
Mazel tov.
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