ב"ה [Postmark 31 July 1946]
Dear siblings עמ"ש
This time I am really at fault letting you wait so long for my letter. It is really not nice of me to neglect the correspondence between us. It is always like this, before the holidays come there is a lot of work at the university. Thus I pushed off writing from one day to the next until the holiday finally arrived. I now wish to catch up with my obligations, and thereby also begin my holiday with the good resolution not to let you wait so long again in the future.
In the meantime I received 3 letters from you, 2 of them were from Fay תח' and one from Esti תח' – for which I am most grateful to all of you. I learned much news from your letter, dear Esti. I was especially happy that you are pleased with your new job and that you are further perfecting yourself in this field. I hope that you will soon get to the stage that you can work independently. From you dear Sara תח' I eagerly await the long letter that you promised me. I imagine that in your letter you will write in detail about your two little daughters (which you actually have never done do so far). I am really interested to hear more details about my little “nieces” (little stories, etc.). In general it would also interest me to learn whether you are already encountering certain problems in the raising of children. I should hope that Ruthy תח' is a well-behaved child causing you absolutely no difficulties. And yet it often happens that children even at kindergarten age pose difficult problems for their parents in upbringing which can easily be overlooked.
Don’t wonder why I am posing such questions in particular. In the first place, I am making an effort to give you material for your long letter, and secondly such questions really interest me. I am at the moment in fact in a children’s summer holiday home in Kiryat Shmuel in Haifa Bay. The home is organised by the Kfar Hanoar Hadati. I am employed here as a מדריך . The work is pleasant and financially worthwhile.
I’ll write more about it in my next letter that I hope to still send from here. I will be staying here for one month. I await post from you to here.
As I have already written to you, we will be taking some quite difficult examinations at the end of the holiday – 1 November. I also have good opportunities here to learn, about which I will also still report to you.
I beg of you dear Tully נ"י let me also hear something from you. To be sure I realise that you are very busy but you can still manage to make time to add a few lines for me to the letters that your other siblings write.
I thank you dear Fay for your detailed letter. I spoke to Rav Charlap and explained the matter to him as you had written me.
The newspapers greatly exaggerate the situation here in the country. You really have no cause to be worried about me.
Best regards from Shmilek נ"י. You undoubtedly know that he has already been sent back from the military. Please extend hearty greetings to all relatives. Write soon,
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