5 December 1946 ב"ה
My dearest Zwi עמ"ש,
Though it is rather late at night now to start writing letters, I feel I just cant put my letter to you off any longer.
Especially since you seldom write before you hear from us, and that makes your letters very few and far between.
However, I honestly intend to write more often and hope you will do so too. I expect in the long run you probably have less time on your hands. As far as I am concerned it is just a question of getting down to it.
Your letters give me (us) so much pleasure, and as soon as I have posted mine, I eagerly await your answer.
How are you progressing in your studies? Do you get any time off round about Chanuka? Or are there no breaks in the winter? Are you still doing the same subject? Any examinations in the near future? Do the political disturbances interfere with you in any way? I should like to know your opinion of what is here called “terrorism”. I know our papers exaggerate to a certain extent. But there is no smoke without fire.
I’ve just finished what I thought a highly interresting book, though perhaps rather one sided – Thieves in the Night by Arthur Koestler. It describes the way of life in one of the Hashomer Hasair settlements, and one of the inhabitants going over to the underground movement, etc. Have you by any chance heard of it or read a review?
2 weeks ago I spent a week-end with Srulek and Rachel. שבת night we went along to a reception given in honour of Rabbi Fishman who was here on his way to the Basel Conference. It was a nice affair, speeches, etc. – they got quite a bit of money together for a kind of kibbutz for young woman Geulla Werfel was telling about. I had a few words with her afterwards. I really think she is a very charming woman and also a sincere and hard worker.
You ask why I dont work in Chaim and Sruleks factory. Well, the reason is, they dont need many people for clerical work. The 3 bosses, Chaim, Srulek, and Mr. Holloway who is not Jewish, and also an Enlishman, hence the official director, are doing most of it themselves. The rest is for Esti who works part-time and one other girl who also work part-time. Esti intends to eventually become the secretary of the firm. She really likes it very much, though my own personal opinion, between you and me is, she could have carried on studing at least an other couple of years. But she would rather become independent than be a schoolgirl. The rest are all either skilled or unskilled workers in the factory. I am not the former, which is essentially a mens job – and I’ve no intention to be the latter – I had enough of that during the war.
As I think I’ve probably told you before I work in what is here called the City. I like it. Since it is the first job I have had in an office, my salary is 4 pounds a week. Not much at all, but I have to be satisfied in view of the fact that I had no previous experience.
Yes the factory is open שבת1, this of course being due to the non-Jewish partner. Everything is o.k. you can rely on Srulek in that respect.
In a way there is something to be said in not working for or with relations.
But please don’t misunderstand me. It may just be a crase of mine.
Zwi, dear, I have been thinking those things of ours wich used to be taken care of by Aunti ז"ל and which are now probably in somebodys way. Is there not a way of sending them, or at least part of them over here? I am thinking of our dear beloved mothers clothes, and perhaps some of the linen etc. We 3 girls would certainly make use of it. No good to anyone there.
It naturally goes without saying that you have priority to anything you possibly may want to make use of. Of course there would be the question of expence, but I think it would be worth it to us. So do you think you can make some enquiries and find out particulars and let us know? In your own time of course.
Also, I should be delighted to get our photos, after all you’ve had them some time, and we could perhaps, if you wish send some back again. But you can imagine how much pleasure it would give us to see them. If there is a possibility of sending them please do so. None of us have a single one of our early photos.
Please let me know what you think of all that? And if you disagree, or anything else. Of course we know you have not much time.
Well I hope you can read all that, I really think I should have taken more care, but my eyes keep closing.
So, good bye for now my dear, many happy return for your birthday. I wish you all you wish yourself.
Oh, how I’d like to see you.
Yours ever,